Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Susiezy has decided to join the wonderful world of blogging. You can see her link to the right.
That link has replaced Diane and Ed since they seem to have fallen off the internet.
Anyway, not much in the way of earth shattering news here today. Terri informed me that she asked my mother-in-law to babysit tomorrow. Not a good day so far. For those of you that don't know me personally, take the normal animosity for that particular relationship and multiply it by infinity squared and you might come close to scratching the surface of the past history. So, I don't have any recent updates about the little one. I've been a little too peeved to call home to check on him.
Yesterday, Terri claims he rolled over onto his stomach. I think it was because he was on the bed and just rolled towards her, but you never know.
Anyway, I'll be venturing out to the mall with Gage again tonight while Terri is in with her clients. I'm hoping to finish up the errands that I've been trying to run since last week.
My dish was hooked up yesterday and I didn't get a lot of time to play around with the features and functions due to class yesterday, but hopefully I'll get to experiment a little tonight.
Anyway, again the main purpose of this post is to welcome Susiezy to the blogging world. I'm sure you'll find her as entertaining on the web as she is in person, unless you don't know her in person and then she'll just be a web page, which may cause some dismay since you can't talk to a web page. Well you can, but people look at you funny. Kind of like the people were looking at the woman I saw in Wendy's today. She had to be at least 80. She was wearing a black leather beret, a red sweater, and gold lame pants. She also had on what appeared to be slippers, but I couldn't tell for sure. But I digress and say again, welcome Susiezy!

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