Monday, June 28, 2004

This past weekend was a blur of activity. Amy's mother was moving from Pittsburgh to Maryland and Glen asked me to give him a hand. Since his part was out of obligation, I told him that I'd help. So, Friday night after work I headed downtown to meet Tony. His very pregnant wife Niki picked us up and we all headed to Monroeville. Glen, Tony, and I then proceeded to spend the next 6 hours unloading the apartment into a U-haul and trailer. We managed to get almost everything. Amy visits her mom frequently so she's going to haul out the last little bit of stuff.
Saturday morning I was up at 5:30 and I loaded our car full of stuff and Terri, Gage, and I set off for Glen and Amy's. I then unloaded the stuff from the car into the van and off we went. We got to Maryland and unloaded the entire U-haul and trailer and helped move some of the bigger furniture into the rooms they belonged in. Then, in lieu of relaxing, Gage was being cranky on his first trip out of state. So, I bundled him up in the snugli and off we went. All told I think I walked him about two miles. And this is after loading and unloading furniture for two days. My knees were ready to fall off my legs. So, then we headed out to dinner and got a little sleep.
We were back up at 6:00 am for the drive back to Pittsburgh. We were supposed to meet another Amy (this one from Terri's office) at 12:30 and didn't want to cancel on her. So, we made it back to Glen and Amy's house and I unloaded everything from the van back into the car. Then once we got home, from the car into the house. After seeing Amy, we headed to Eli's 3rd birthday party. Eli is Tom's nephew. It was the best birthday ever. There was not one present that needed assembly. (That's my job at parties.) Looking around at their house, I had put together two tricycles, a picnic table, a wagon, and a bouncy thing on wheels. The kid is only 3! And, of course, everyone ooohed and ahhhed over Gage. Especially Tom's parents. I've known them so long they're practically family. So, of course they think of Gage as their grandson.
Tom's sister-in-law is pregnant again and due at the end of August. When Eli was born, it was a scheduled C-section and we knew what time it would be. Because of the time of day, Terri and I actually got to meet and hold Eli before Tom did. Now, with him living across the state, there's a pretty good shot the same thing will happen with his (might-be-but-aren't-sure-yet) niece.
After Eli's party we headed to my parent's house to pick up Terri's car and then finally headed back home. So, the weekend was a tad busy. Gage seemed to enjoy everything though.
Today I found out there's a pretty good chance I'm going to re-inherit the nightmare project that I had last year from July to October. Now, I'm certainly finding a way out of here and fast!

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