Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Top 5 on my hate list right at the moment
1. New Jersey
2. Chris Berman
3. The regular ESPN hockey announcers
4. The "new" camera angles
5. ESPN itself
Here's a hypothetical commercial that I think would look good on TV.
"New Jersey, you've just won the Stanley Cup, what are you going to do now?" "Um, well, we're pretty rude and stupid around here so we'll boo the MVP of the playoffs cause he's not on our team."
Ok, hockey is over, but that didn't stop me from reading this completely true article.
Congratulations to the Mighty Ducks for their efforts and for making a post season without the Penguins much more tolerable.
Well, I don't know how the posting will go over the next couple of days. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon and heading to see Matt and Alison in Connecticut for a few days and then all four of us are headed to Boston to see our friend Dave get married (maybe). Why maybe? Well, with Dave you just never know. No, from all indications that we've seen, this girl is good for him and I hope their wedding goes as smoothly as ours did. And we'll most likely get to catch up with people we haven't seen in while. But, all that fun may diminish my connectivity to the internet. I'm sure you can find some other addictive substance to help you cope. I should be back to normal by next Tuesdayish.

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