Thursday, June 19, 2003

Okay, need to get everything caught up here. I've seen way too many things since I've been back that I want to blog about. So, sit back, grab a cocktail (I recommend Stoli Razberi and orange juice, you'll find out later), and prepare to be amused, amazed, or angry.
Alison was off work on Friday so the four of us were stumped for something to do. Then someone decided maybe a movie. So then we had to wait until someone broke down and went and retrieved the paper from the paperbox so we could see what was playing. I was looking for an intelligent piece of cinema so I suggested this. Thankfully I was shot down. We decided we were going to see this piece of crap. Ok, that's probably a little more harsh than I need to be, but I didn't really care for the movie. But back to the events leading up to that.
The movie started at 4:30 so Alison decided she wanted to get a haircut. So she and Terri set out on a fairly long journey to get a haircut. (This chick's rockin' your bro on the dance floor) Matt and I decided to play Gran Turismo for the Playstation 2. Well, let me put that in slightly clearer terms. Matt decided he wanted to win for a change so we played video games. I got my ass kicked more times than I could keep track of. I got beat by a freakin' VW Bug and a Mini-Cooper. Anyway, once I tired of that we started to watch this, which was actually supposed to be this. One thing that we noticed using the subtitles is how close Henry IV is to The Holy Grail. I'm still not quite sure whether that's a product of Shakespeare stealing from Monty Python or Monty Python stealing from Shakespeare. Before we got too far into the movie the girls came home from their long journey to get a haircut (but she's towin' an anchor, a junior investment banker) and we had to get ready for the movie.
I didn't like the movie. Everyone else seemed to. I did enjoy the scene with the Fish-Eater's Anonymous meeting, but that was about it. Disney/Pixar stories traditionally have always worked on three levels. There's the bright colors and animal characters for the little ones that are 2-5ish. The actual story is usually geared to the 6-13 year olds. 13-18 year olds don't usually watch Disney movies cause they think they're uncool. However, when you start watching them again for whatever reason, you begin to notice that the third layer is just for you. Jokes that are above the little ones heads. Whether it's an age gap (they're too young to have seen the material the joke is based on) or a knowledge gap (they just won't understand til they've been exposed to the material) the adults got to have a couple of laughs within the movie. This movie didn't have anywhere near enough of that. It did have me wondering what Walt Disney had against motherhood and mothers in general. Nemo's mom gets eaten in the first three or four minutes of the movie.
After the movie we headed to a neat pizza shop called Vetrano's. The pizza there was really good and I got the added bonus of getting to eat a Hawaiian pizza. I don't usually get to have that around here since very few other people seem to have the stomach for it.

This is another hint to move back to know who you are.

The pizza also kept the conversation to a pleasant minimum so there was no mention of the haircutting trip. (who's talkin' bout herself and not much more whoa-o-oo) After dinner we headed over to the House of Satan. For those of you that know me, you know exactly what store that is referencing. And, as though being in that store wasn't bad enough, we had gone with the express purpose of buying season 4 of this crap. I never did watch any though. I would have if questions had started popping up about the haircutting trip. (So, buy her a beer that's the reason you're here. Mighty Wingman.) I beat Matt a few more times at Trivial Pursuit (though he did win one when I got a little too cocky).
On Saturday we got ready for the wedding. The drive over to Framingham was pretty uneventful except for more questions about the haircutting trip. (You're takin' one for the team so your buddy can live the dream. Wingmaaaaaaaaaaaaan!) We checked into the hotel and our adjoining rooms that we requested were on opposite ends of the 4th floor. So as we headed up to stow the luggage we saw a note taped to the wall from none other than Adam Davis. So of course we had to stop in and say hi.
For those of you that don't know Adam, shame on you. Adam is...well...Adam. He has the voice of a game show host, but manages to pull it off quite well. He's in law school right now at Temple. For some reason they were having a study abroad thing in Rome, Italy. So, he actually flew back from Italy to be in Dave's wedding. As we sat talking to Adam he told us about the rehearsal dinner and meeting some of the extended relatives. He met one of Dave's relatives and the first thing they said to him was, "Dave's full of shit." That is one of the best sentences I've ever heard to describe Dave. Then Dave came in and we chatted a while longer and then everyone left to get ready for the actual wedding.
Jessica, Dave's fiancee, is Jewish. They had a portable chupah for them to get married under. Pat was the best man. Adam and Steve Badelt were also in the wedding party. I also saw ex-Lycos Pittsburghers, Ron Rainville, Frank Treu, Jason Heyd, and Joe Pranevich. The wedding itself was pretty enjoyable. Although when finished the ceremony there was the traditional breaking of the glass. I couldn't help myself. I leaned over and said, "Did anyone else feel sorry for the glass?" And, looking over the vast expanse, I'll save the reception and the rest of the trip and oddities I've seen since til tomorrow.

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