Monday, August 21, 2006

So I had Batman Begins on in the background while I was working on the computer tonight. During a couple of exchanges this quote gets thrown around, "It's not who you are on the inside, but what you do that defines you." Seems harmless enough on the surface, but does that mean that you can do charitable works, give of your time and energy and be a demented psychopathic serial killer on the inside? Somehow that seems to undermine the implication behind the statement. Of course on the other hand that could mean that Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are actually Nobel Prize winners on the inside, but they are defined by their actions so we see them as vapid morons. I'm pretty sure that it's the inside persona that manifests itself on the outside in some magnitude or other. For example, you could be an incredibly honest and caring person on the inside, but be relatively shy so it's manifested in small gestures like holding the door for the person behind you or giving blood. Small things that, on the whole, go unnoticed by the public at large. I think that in order to do good you have to have some measure of good within you to begin with. Maybe I've just been awake a little too long.

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