Sunday, August 27, 2006

Every once in a while something will slip past the big picture recognition and I'll end up looking it up and having that ah ha moment when it all clicks into place. When I saw the musical production of Jonathan Larson's Rent, it was in Pittsburgh so needless to say I didn't see the original cast. But, I was so taken by the orchestration and the music that I decided to buy the CD. Trust me, it was a rough decision. I don't buy many CDs. Anyway, the CD did have the original cast. Idina Menzel, who coincendentally is also on the Wicked cast CD that I bought after seeing the Pittsburgh production. I'd love to switch out Kendra Kessebaum with Kristen Chenoweth on the CD, but that's another story. Anyway, after listening to Anthony Rapp, who plays Mark on both the CD and in the movie version of Rent, I thought that he sounded familiar. And, when I saw the movie version, I thought he looked familiar, but I didn't think much of it since the name didn't really ring a bell. Then after seeing the movie again last night and finding it on again today (gotta love the satellite) I decided to see where I knew him from. Turns out he was the loud-mouthed friend from Adventures In Babysitting. Bizarre.
Why is doing what you love to do and getting paid big money for it selling out to a certain sect of artists?

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