Saturday, June 11, 2005

I think I'm going to attempt the seven day a week posting again, we'll see how long that lasts. I usually don't have enough interesting things to fill one post a week let alone seven. But hey, most of this blog hasn't been interesting so far, why start now?
I was saddened to hear of Dana Elcar's passing. MacGyver was one of my favorite TV shows and I can't even tell you how many trivia questions I've been able to answer because of all the science on that show. See, watching TV can make you smarter. I had a lot of respect for him because he didn't let his disability stop him from acting. He started going blind while he was working on MacGyver and they just turned around and made it part of his character. Nowadays they try and hush it up and start plotting your character's demise.
Anyway, I guess that means there won't be any commentary on future DVD releases.
Not much else is going on today. We took the opportunity to get stuff done around the house and get some yardwork done. We managed to get most of the grass cut and even some of it raked. Maybe we'll accomplish more tomorrow, but I doubt it. We're tentatively scheduled to go see Terri's uncle tomorrow and I'm sure that will take precedence over getting actual work done.

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