Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I had a huge post brewing about how Darryl Worley was becoming the next Lee Greenwood. His newest single, "I Just Came Back From A War" actually had me considering the global feelings over the current situation and obvious and not-so-obvious comparisons to Vietnam. It's very easy to support or not support the situation from my bedroom holding a laptop. I don't think I'd be so glib with an RPG being launched at me. So, I just decided to casually mention the post and leave it alone.
I was also ready to launch into a nice tirade about freedoms and being told how to live after reading a local article about Carnegie Mellon University attempting to become an enforced non-smoking University by 2010. However, Susie's rants were much better, so I'll leave that to her to post or not post.
The reason that the blog has been silent as of late has been because I was knocked on my ass sick. We went shopping after work on Friday. I came home and went to sleep and then couldn't get up on Saturday. Saturday, Sunday, and I called off work on Monday. I was barely awake 8 total hours over those three days. I went into work on Tuesday but against my better judgement. All day long people kept telling me how much I looked like crap. Today was slightly better, I at least completed several thoughts. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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