Sunday, December 10, 2006

So, December (what there has been of it) has gone by quickly and without any fanfare. Since I've been in the process of a bazillion different things, I haven't even had the time to stop and notice the usual holiday annoyances. Terri has done absolutely all of the Christmas shopping thus far and though I'll be tortured at some point, I guess it's gone quite well. Since I've been carrying CD's in the car (though I guess it's not technically a car anymore) I haven't heard much in the way of Christmas Carols. Unless you count Gage practicing for his Christmas program. In which case I've heard, "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," "O Christmas Tree," and "Jingle Bells" over and over. This must be for the retarded child who can work weird contraptions, but can't cup their hands together and pat.

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