Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I have a rather large post formulating in my head about things like local banks, music, what some people consider "wasted knowledge", and the nobel prize in science...but it's late and I saw a complete contradiction in terms on my way home from work this evening.
Anyone that has been to the house knows that from the highway there's 3 lights to the house. During evening rush hour, I usually only get stuck at one. For some reason, both lanes were completely backed up and it took three cycles just to make it through the first one. As I found out later, an SUV had broken down right near the second light so everyone was pushed over to one lane. So for about 5 minutes while waiting to get through the light, I was sitting behind a red ford focus that had three bumper stickers. The one on the left said, "Men of quality are not threatened by a woman seeking equality." Ok, I'll buy that. The one in the center was a quote by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, who is a Harvard College Professor that won the Pulitzer Prize in the early 90's, "Well behaved women rarely make history." I'll buy that one as well. The one on the right simply said, "Eve was framed." Ok, I'm not sure I've ever seen feminism and religion cross paths quite like that, but alright. Then I noticed the license plate holder. "Caution, Princess driving." How in the hell do you expect me to take your feminism seriously when you buy that product? It's like you've set yourself up with all the right credentials, the right tools for the project, have everything down pat, and then show up drunk. It's a jarring error in judgement. Carry the sentiment all the way, get a holder that says, "Caution Bitch driving." or "Caution, feminist driving" Hell "Men suck." would have been better. Sometimes I just don't get it. It's like a goth person getting a tan and hanging out on the beach listening to Celine Dion sing Diane Warren songs.

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