Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I don't know which scares me more... this or this.
I think the thing that scares me the most is that I bought the latter.
This is the first year in a long time that I can remember such panic about snow. Schools posted two hour delays for Monday on the premise of what might happen. Waking up Monday morning and there was no predicted snow. So, all day Monday into Tuesday the news teams tried to downplay all the panic from the day before. Now, headed into Wednesday and they're at it again. So far within a fifty mile radius of Pittsburgh, the most snowfall I've seen online is 8". Unless there was already 8" or an underlying icy condition, 8" rarely bought us a two hour delay when I was in school. They just sent the buses out with chains. I was out this evening going to the mall to pick up a few things and get my hair cut. According to the news, I was driving at the most dangerous time that occurred today. The roads (including off-ramps, side-roads, and parking lots) were barely slushy and only slippery if you were wearing ice covered shoes. I guess I should go back to my normal routine of skipping the news altogether. Of course, that means getting up to get the remote to change the channel when the 10:00 program goes off.
And, although it's already over and done with, I wish a late Good luck to Craig who taped his Super Jeopardy appearance today. Hopefully all went well and we'll see him in the next round.

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