Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Free at last, free at last...huh? Wonderful! After completing my nightmare project only moments ago (14 to be exact) I found out that after successfully avoiding the 30 days in the hole of customer service for almost a year...I've been drafted. So, I basically move from one nightmare into another. And people wonder why I don't like my job.
Well Gage has started to eat cereal. At least what the pediatrician calls cereal. I call it...well...you don't want to know that, but it's nasty.
After reading Dek's latest post, all I can say is, I have an alibi. I was, um, somewhere else at that point.
Not much else exciting is going on in my world. I have an accounting test next week that I should put some study time on. However, the main compenents of the test are stocks and bonds. Should be fairly easy material as long as I can remember the difference between par and common stock.
One more hour to kill and I can get out of here. I've filed away everything from the project, sent out the required project summaries to the required people, arranged my desk back into it's proper configuration. And I found a site called blogthings. Not a whole lot, but the lists of where you're from are pretty interesting and accurate for the most part. Oddly enough they had one for Lancaster Pa. where my Aunt and Uncle have lived for a long time. I've seen the Pittsburgh ones before, they made their way around in e-mail forwards and I don't even see the need to post it here, but there were two that really made me laugh. You know you're from Pittsburgh when you walk carefully when it's "slippy" outside. And, you know you're from Pittsburgh when you've ever gotten hurt falling into a "jaggerbush". Those two really reminded me of childhood. I was on a sled that found the snow too slippy and ended up riding right through a jaggerbush into a ditch. Hurt like hell.
Anyway, not much else is going on around here so I think I'm done for today. Hopefully I'll have something more intelligent to say tomorrow (I know, I can already hear the jokes in the background). So, I'll just say, "Have a good day today and a better one tomorrow."

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