Thursday, January 10, 2008

He's A Pittsburgh What?

So, since I rarely eat lunch and don't feel the need to be tied to my desk for 9 straight hours, I usually go out walking around the local area on my "lunch" break. I go out with Mark and we make a loop that some people in the office swear has to be a mile and a half. We just walk and talk and occasionally shop. Our last stop prior to returning to the office is the GetGo in the area so that Mark can pick up his 44 oz afternoon drink. We know all the cashiers and they all know us. So, Mark is getting his drink and we're talking with the cashier and a huge Hummer pulls up to the gas pump. Out steps an enormous man. He hobbles into the store and he and the cashier also seem to know each other. She asks him about his knee surgery and he explains that he'll be rehabbing in Arizona starting on Monday because they're the best in the business and he'll be ready for next season. At this point, because I'm not a complete idiot, I've gotten the idea based on money, size, and conversation that this man is a Pittsburgh Steeler. However, you could have given me 15 or so guesses and I still probably would not have realized that I had just met and spoke with Max Starks. In fact, even though I had heard the name, I still wouldn't have been able to pull his name out of a hat. Conversely, years ago when I was pulling time at a local fast-food eatery, I recognized Bryan Trottier instantly as soon as he walked through the door and have the autograph to prove it.
Tomorrow night is our company's holiday party from 2007. So, in the midst of a long week, instead of decompressing after work tomorrow, I'll be headed to socialize with everyone. Not that that's a bad thing, there will be an open bar and good food, but I've noticed recently that I've gotten a lot more selfish with how my time is spent. I want time for me, my family, my extended family, and my friends. Beyond that, I'm careful about what I do and where I go. Maybe it has something to do with the impending new addition, maybe I just want to have 10 minutes at home to get settled in and have visitors. Who knows?

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