Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I can't believe almost a month has passed since I last updated. And, since Susiezy has been bugging me about getting something up, I figured today was as good a day as any. I really hate this project. I hated it last year and I hate it again this year. The only good thing about the entire project is that I don't have to answer to anyone in my office, which means that I could technically blow off a whole day and no one would know. The downside is, there's so much damn work I don't get to slack at all.
Enough about work, work just depresses me and I also don't have any time to job hunt while I'm at work. Which also depresses me. Damn, the next thing you know I'll be on Wellbutrin or something. Actually, I'd probably have to go on Zoloft since that's a Pfizer product and I'd want to make sure that Alison, Matt, and Nathan were supported in my disease. I wonder if I could get workman's comp for a job that caused my depression which caused my inability to work at a job that caused my depression which caused my...well you understand.
Let's see what's happened since I last posted. I went down to the Nascar race in Bristol Tennessee with Mark, Robyn, Robyn's parents and her aunts and uncles. It's always a good time and I'm glad they usually end up with an extra ticket. It was hard being away from Gage for four days, but I managed. I also got to meet Ben Jones during the family festival on Thursday night. He was by far the most cordial and polite celebrity that I've ever met. The races themselves were good, although the new race for the chase or whatever the hell it's called seemed to tame the Bristol race. They ran over 200 laps of green flag racing. That's almost unheard of at Bristol. The night race at Bristol has been described as putting 43 cars into a blender and whoever can make it out wins the race. There were still lots of cars that were running and undented at the end of the race. And, I think it's because no one wanted to make a mistake that would cost them points in the chase thing. It was still a good race. Junior fans were ecstatic.
Labor day weekend was pretty tame. We headed down to my parent's house for a picnic on Sunday. Then on Monday I hung out with a band that doesn't like to wear pants. What did you think I meant? I mean, I had Gage with me since Terri was working. I got to catch up with Randy, Elizabeth and their daughter Katie who was born in December. And, Susiezy was the only other one that I knew there. I got to feed her addiction by giving her some catalog pages that related to a theme birthday party for Harry Potter.
I saw two commercials since I last posted that have really scared the hell out of me. The first was for these. A decent invention. You don't want soggy fries. The commercial utilized this band's music. More specifically, Cum On Feel The Noize. I haven't seen marketing that twisted in a while.
The second commercial was for this album. Now, I've seen this concept before so I wasn't totally shaken until they started to show some of the tracks. I think the two that almost made me fall off the couch were Bat Out of Hell and Livin' On A Prayer by Meat Loaf and Bon Jovi respectively. I don't really have a good punchline other than the fact they turned those songs into symphonic recordings.
Susiezy actually just sent me this link. Some of these actually scare me. I remember Chernobyl and the Challenger. Baby Jessica was huge news. When the required made for TV movies came out, TV Guide used two pages to show the diameter of the well. And, well, if it fit in TV Guide you know it was small. I think my favorite on the list is 34. Ivan Boesky has never sold stock. He and Milliken made for some interesting discussions in our civics class.
Oh well, that's enough for today. Hopefully I won't wait so long to update next time.

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