Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So, even though this has been going on for quite a while, I've finally gotten around to mentioning it. I've noticed that one of the local banks has begun an ad campaign. Not odd, the local banks around here run ad campaigns all the time. However, this campaign is in Spanish. Yes, Spanish. Now, I have nothing against the bank (at least not anymore...granted I won't do business with them, but that's because they had their chance to keep me as a customer and they couldn't do it), anyway, I have known quite a few people that have worked for this bank. Tellers, programmers, business people. Not one of them could speak more than a sentence or two in Spanish. How can you market to an entire culture when your staff is unprepared to handle them in their own language when they come into your establishment. I certainly wouldn't market my business toward an entire community that I couldn't accomodate. It wouldn't be good for word of mouth (in any language) and it certainly wouldn't help me establish a good rapport with that ethnic community. ¡muy estúpido!
I fear that this article might mean that Victoria's Secret stock is about to go into the toilet. (For those of you who don't get it after the first read, carefully read the first sentence, trust me it's worth the extra minute).
That is just another one of those instances that shows me an English major should be more easily employed and paid equal salaries.
Halloween was quite fun. Gage got the hang of it easily and was soon breaking away from mom and dad to walk up the driveways to complete strangers to get candy to put in his little pumpkin. Mark and I were talking about how odd it is that you spend 364 days teaching your children not to accept candy from strangers and then this one night you not only allow it, but encourage it.
And trust me, there's still a big post about the other subjects that I had mentioned (music, lyrics, the nobel prize, and "wasted knowledge") previously.
I'm also curious as to how I can go 7 or 8 months not giving a damn what's in the box office (since most of it has degenerated into Hollywood crap anyway) and then out of nowhere, two movies that I'm really interested in premiere on the same weekend.
Also here's hoping that the Pens can make it two in a row against the Islanders tomorrow.

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