Friday, August 06, 2004

It's been a pretty busy week. Tuesday, I spent all day preparing documents for an auditor who never showed up. Wednesday they had their annual Rah-Rah-We-All-Love-The-University-Meeting. At least they served lunch. On the bright side, we did get to leave a couple of hours early.
Thursday at work, I was trying to counsel someone on their Harry Potter obsession. I don't think I succeeded. I believe the last thing she said was, "I'm thinking about a tattoo of a lightning bolt in the middle of my forehead." Thankfully, I'm one of the most normal people in the world. I'm level, calm, and have no obsessive tendencies or qualities. It's this rock-steadyness that will enable me to help her through her problems.
Then, last night I thought I had stepped into some bizarro universe. I got home and Terri immediately handed me Gage and said that I should go get dinner and a movie while she mowed the lawn. I had to step outside to make sure the house number was correct. She had been participating in a public policy forum and had gotten a free rental card from Blockbuster, so I understood the movie part. Dinner and mowing the lawn kind of threw me. So, I put Gage in the car, headed down to the Blockbuster and began to marvel at the synergy and marketing strategy that was created. Near where I live there's a Pizza Hut and Blockbuster side by side. So, I went into the Pizza Hut, ordered dinner (the new twisted crust breadstick pizza-which got me wondering how in the hell they got away with creating that in the Atkins friendly low carb South Beach hell that the world is becoming lately), then strolled over to Blockbuster, looked over all the new releases, selected a movie, paid, and walked back over to Pizza Hut in time to grab my pizza, get in the car, and go home. That is enough to instill brand loyalty in me. It was quick, convenient, relatively inexpensive, the pizza was good, the movie was ok, and I'm hooked. I'm not hard to convert. I guess it comes from being normal and average.
I did have one problem with the movie. Since Terri was mowing the lawn, I didn't get the special edition of Die Hard like I would have normally. I decided to get something that she would like. So, Gage and I picked out this. I know, a chick flick without a doubt. However, in my defense, I get to stare at Jennifer Garner for an hour and a half. And, really, how bad could it be. So, we started watching the movie. I can believe that a 13 year old has enough expensive camera equipment to make most paparazzi shamed. I can buy into the fact that a 13 year old wants so desperately to fit in that she wishes she was 30. I can buy into the wish dust concept that makes it come true. I can buy into the fact that she doesn't remember anything from the past 17 years. I can buy into the fact that she ended up with everything she ever wanted, a cool life, working at her favorite magazine, and gorgeous as hell. I can also buy the fact that she's currently dating a New York Rangers hockey player. However, here's my problem. When the hockey player (a fictional player, not an actual NHL player) walks over and meets some of Jennifer Garner's high school friends, he attempts a few lame jokes and then apologizes saying, "I'm sorry, I get so giddy after we win." RIGHT THERE! NOPE! DON'T BUY IT! I mean, seriously, suspended disbelief can only carry you so far. Everyone knows the Rangers don't actually win. They wait around for the opposing team to screw up and lose.
Anyway, tonight is another work around the house/shopping night to get ready for Gage's Dedication on Sunday. That ought to be a pleasant event. It's the first dose of reality that Terri is leaving the Catholic faith and by the same token, Gage isn't being raised in the Catholic faith. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to end up taking all the blame and hatred from her family. As usual. That part doesn't worry me. I'm worried about later on when Gage begins to understand the difference. I'll never pressure him into one corner or another, but her family will. Hopefully, he'll recognize the game. Oh well, that's way into the future. For now, I just hope they keep the peace on Sunday. That is, if they actually condescend to show up.

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