Wednesday, September 29, 2010

18 Years

18 years

18 years of shared moments
18 years with everyone saying, "Are you freakin' kidding me? You've been together for 18 years?"
18 years with 3 gorgeous children
18 years defying expectations in our relationship
18 years watching the craziness of the world passing by while holding on to one another
18 years picking up bad habits from one another
18 years = almost 9 1/2 million minutes and each one feels both new and yet comfortable
18 years with 16 anniversary dinners at the same place (and almost the same dinner)
18 years of arguments, agreements, allusions and all our love
18 years with countless automobiles, apartments, collections, but our love staying strong and steady
18 years of watching everyone trying to fathom what we already know, love is all powerful
18 years having so many things become obsolete, but realizing that no matter what may come and go, our love is here to stay (and hopefully that cliche will go at some point)
18 years with my friend, my wife, my love
18 years with your heart next to mine
18 years with my temper and you're snoring (maybe it is a wonder why we're still together)
18 years of laughter far outweighing the tears
18 years never wondering, "what if"
18 years with one steady consistent presence, our love

I love you! We've seen a lot go by in our 18 years and I'm glad I get to experience it all with you. Just think, in another 18 years, we'll have seen all 3 of our children graduate from high school. At least, I hope so. Who knows what the future will bring, but whatever may come, I'll have you by my side to face it all with me.

Between now and then til I see you again I'll be loving you Love, me

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