Wednesday, February 07, 2007

If I didn't have a phone at work and had an office where I could shut the door, I could do what currently takes me a week in approximately 12 hours, easy. Interruptions are killer and for someone like me who is only tenously connected to the non-procrastinating motivated working world anyway, it's rough to get back on track. Hell, I just lost 45 minutes catching up on everyone's blogging for the past week or so. First, I must say "Congratulations" to Joe. I've known Joe almost as long as I've known Tom which at this point in our lives is crazy long. I'm happy that he's been sticking with the whole health thing as long as he has. Just keeping track from September til now in and of itself is a big accomplishment to me. I think my personal record is maybe 10 weeks on and off and I've never had what could be considered serious motivation behind it. So, keep it up Joe.
Then, I would say, head over to Tom's blog to watch the Sidney Crosby goal that he saw live. Amazing.

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